Board and Train programs: I am completely full through Sept 2025 for board and train programs. (Please check back here periodically for any cancellations).
1:1 Private Session programs: I am completely booked through summer 2025. (Please check back here periodically for any cancellations).
I conduct complimentary **phone consultations for serious inquiries to get answers you may have about me, my services, my philosophy, etc. (PLEASE NOTE: I do not give dog training advice during the consultation.) I will need a completed inquiry form before we speak. To get on the call list click HERE. To fill out the submission inquiry form click HERE. My demand is so high that this is the only way I can manage my inquires. **AS OF NOW, I DO NOT HAVE AN UPCOMING PHONE CONSULTATION DATE SET AS I NEED TO FOCUS ON MY CURRENT CLIENTS. PLEASE CHECK BACK HERE PERIODICALLY TO SEE WHEN I HAVE SCHEDULED MY NEXT PHONE CONSULTATION DATE, OR FOR CANCELLATIONS.
To actually get enrolled in a training program, you will need to put in a $200 deposit to reserve the next available spot. PLEASE NOTE: I book up approximately 3-6 months in advance. If you absolutely know that you want to train with me, I HIGHLY suggest submitting the deposit AT ANYTIME before we speak so that you will be **GUARANTEED my next available training spot. **Please be advised that my next “spot” may be 6 or more months out from now.
For immediate help: Please go to my YouTube Channel for free how-to and DIY video content.
Thank you for your patience!
Post Board and Train House Rules:
1. The dog must be crated at night and when you are not at home.
2. The dog is not allowed access to human furniture (bed, couch, chairs, etc). These privileges MUST be earned.
3. The dog’s owner must provide the dog with a structured day (including but not limited to: duration work, waiting for food, waiting at thresholds and consistent e-collar use.)
4. The dog is absolutely not allowed to initiate any dog or small child interaction. The same applies for children - they are not allowed to initiate any interaction with the dog unless agreed upon by me. Exceptions are made, depending on the demeanor of the dog and the age and demeanor of the child. Safety and/or the success of the program may be at risk.
*These are not permanent rules, but ones that must be implemented until your dog is behaving the way you would like to see him/her do. They can earn privileges back by making better decisions through your leadership and consistency with the structures and boundaries of the Board and Train (B&T). The best way for you and your dog to be successful is to implement these rules for at least 30-90 days from the go-home. The length depends on the severity of your dog’s ill-behaviors before the B&T and the consistency your provide after the B&T. 30 to 60 days for the 2-week basic and at least 90 days for behavior modification cases. If you have any questions or concerns about these rules, please ask!
IF YOU ARE INQUIRING FOR A 3 WEEK BASIC BOARD AND TRAIN PROGRAM: This program IS NOT for dog-aggression and/or human-aggression cases, or dogs that display signs of moderate to severe separation anxiety*, or display moderate to severe fear reactivity. *If your dog whines AT ALL in the crate (with door closed) during the day when you leave the house or at night, then they DO NOT qualify for the 3 week basic program. Dogs that are whining while crated are a minimum of 4 weeks. Dogs that are barking, clawing and/or howling while crated are a minimum of 5 weeks. I reserve the right to expect more time with your dog at your cost if they come in and display the above behaviors. If you are questioning your dog’s behaviors, please get a video and send it to me for clarification.